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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Dove Deodorant Sleeveless-Ready Celebrity Auction

Talk about your creative ways to promote a familiar product.
Now that it's the season to bare your underarms, you're going to hear a lot about products that don't leave residue. You know, raise your hands if you're confident ...
Dove Deodorant has come up with a unique pitch.
In addition to the usual pitch, Unilever's Dove Deodorant brand is kicking off an auction tomorrow of one-of-a-kind sleeveless t-shirts designed and autographed by celebrities. Celebrities involved include Tyra Banks, Jennifer Hudson, Felicity Huffman, Elle Macpherson and Queen Latifah.

This yellow shirt was "designed" and autographed by Jennifer Hudson.

This blue shirt was "designed" and autographed by Felicity Huffman.

"Project Runway" winner, designer Chloe Dao is also working on the project, providing some fashion tips for those who dare to go sleeveless.
Proceeds from the celebrity auction will be used to send girls across the United States to self-esteem workshops through the Girl Scouts of the USA program uniquely ME!, which is sponsored by the Dove Self-Esteem Fund (DSEF).
For more information on the celebrity t-shirt auction and Dao's sleeveless fashion tips, go to


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