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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

American Idol - April 24

The magic of draping was the fashion star of last night's "American Idol."
Draping fabric in just the right way can highlight one area of the body and take focus away from other parts of the body. It can hide, it can complement and it can take an outfit from eh to wow.
The same can be said for tailoring in men's clothing, by the way.
It's interesting to note that of all the Final 6 contestants, only one of the performers - Blake - seems comfortable enough to go his own way, fashion wise, week after week.
On the other hand, performers like Melinda, seem like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, glowing in their new, more colorful persona. In Melinda's case, I think it's a case of a young woman being pushed towards beautiful elegance and finding she likes it as much as the look likes her. In Jordin's case, it's a young woman who has found a way to make a grownup look work for her.
Here's a look at the fashion winners this week.


Blake >>>>>>>.



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