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GannettUSA Today

Sunday, February 4, 2007

A silver by any other name...

It's only Sunday, day three of Fashion Week.

But already, some trends are beginning to emerge.

One of these is the emergence of silver. Of course silver isn't just plain old silver. Designers so far have come up with a variety of names and tones to describe the many different shades of silver coming down the runway.

Here are some of the descriptions we've seen so far: mercury, pewter, smoke, mirrored crystals, slate, arctic grey, silver winter, gun metal.

The wonderful thing is that none of these shades of grey are drab or any of the other adjectives frequently used to describe grey.

Other trends we're liking:

1) We're loving the continued focus on easier shapes we first started seeing last February and even more so in September. The difference now is that designers have refined the volume trend to give clothing more shape. It's a trend that is very real women friendly.

2) I think sweater dresses are about to make a comeback along with the schoolgirl jumpers paired with white shirts that we started seeing last February. The new sweater dresses, by the way will look like regular sweaters but long enough to wear as a tunic or a dress. Given the frigid temperature on Sunday, these looked especially cozy, particularly those from Twinkle, the queen of the hand knit sweater look.


Blogger Abby said...

Ooh, yay for sweaterdresses. Definitely my favorite trend this season is the gray though, it's such a fun color.


February 5, 2007 at 8:52 PM  

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